Marijuana presents in two primary forms, THC and CBD. The THC component is responsible for the ”high” effect, and the CBD component is a clean component widely used for medicinal purposes. 

Over the years, cannabis edibles have been used globally for various purposes. They are alternative marijuana consumption, especially for users with underlying health issues. Edibles are easy to use, and their effects depend on the dose. However, overdose can result in adverse side effects. 

This article focuses on the benefits of edibles, the mode of action, and the side effects. 

  1. Edibles in anxiety relief, sleeping, and mental wellness 

The THC cannabis component is responsible for the psychoactive effects of feelings of highness and relaxation. The CBD component is responsible for relieving anxiety. Indica varieties produce relaxation and soothing sensations, therefore ideal for insomnia and anxiety-related complications.  

Sativa varieties produce a psychoactive feeling, thus ideal for keeping your body active. Hybrid varieties have modest properties, and their consumption should have a control system. In this case, the benefits of edibles are the treatment of depression and anorexia. Therefore, when taken, they help patients relax. 

2. Edibles and GIT  

Prolonged uptake of anti-inflammatory drugs may result in adverse effects along the GIT. When edibles are an alternative to anti-inflammatory medication, they produce no side effects. Therefore, these edibles are ideal for patients with chronic disorders. 

3. Pain management 

Edibles contain CBD properties that target vanilloid cells sensitive to external stimuli. The overall effect of stimulants is to reduce pain and inflammation. Research has shown that edibles with CBD help manage pain in cancer, arthritis, and chronic pain cases. 

4. Muscle contractions 

Edibles contain CBD properties that enable muscles to relax. In cases of contractures and spasticity, the benefits of edibles are evident in muscle relaxation and pain relief. 

5. Seizure management 

When THC and CBD properties interact in a patient’s body, they produce anxiety and relaxation sensations. Such effects help patients manage their symptoms; therefore, they are an ideal alternative to seizure treatment. 

Side effects of edibles 

Edibles are secret ways of cannabis consumption, especially for minors, predisposing them to risks. Edibles have long absorption durations and take time to be absorbed into the body system; therefore, an overdose may result in nausea and hallucination. Prolonged use may result in mental illness, heart complications, addiction, and poor cognitive capacity. 


Edibles are alternative modes of cannabis consumption. Edibles are safe compared to smoking as they eliminate risks associated with smoking. However, users are at risk of overdose. Edibles with CBD properties offer medicinal use to users. The benefits of edibles are broad. However, prolonged use of edibles with THC properties risks the user’s addiction, poor mental health, and heart complications. 

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