CBD Cosmetic Uses


CBD, Cannabidiol is a natural chemical compound derived from a plant of Cannabis sativa, the hemp variety that has 0.3% of THC. 

Cosmetics refers to the types of substances applied on the skin, hair, face or nails to change or improve the complexion. 

The compound is mixed with some types of oil e.g the coconut oil to make CBD oil that is applied and used in the cosmetic industry. The anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal and non-oxidant properties make it to be a good oil for reducing potential attacks of dermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema by smoothing the skin hence reducing the incidences of skin infections, people with sensitive skins can also comfortably use the oil. 

 CBD Cosmetic Uses 

The chemical extract from the hemp plant is used in producing oil which is used to treat a variety of skin defects ranging from acne, dryness and itching, ageing and wrinkles and skin infections. 

Acne Treatment 

Acne refers to the condition of the skin where hair follicles plug with oil and dead skin cells. The symptoms range from whiteheads, blackheads, small red, tender bumps pimples, papules having pus at the tips, large, painful lumps in the skin. 

The compound helps in the treatment of acne in the following ways: 

  • It reduces the rate at which the sebocytes secretes sebum hence reducing the acne formation rate. 
  • The antibacterial and antifungal properties hinder acne formation. 
  • In case of the appearance of any acne scars, it is used to treat the scars. 

The oil has been effective in acne treatment making it highly recommended for the same. 

Treatment of Skin Dryness and Itching 

Some people have a skin characteristic that even after applying a lot of oil to the body, the skin remains very dry, such kind of skin always itches and the owner most often is seen scratching the body. This is a skin defect. Its oil has proved capable of treating the problem. The oil helps in smoothening the skin layer hence reducing the appearance of dryness and irritation. People with highly sensitive skin can use it to be relieved of skin problems. 

Ageing and Wrinkles 

As people’s age increases, their skin age and begin to develop wrinkles due to the oxidative stress. The condition of the skin is one becomes of age can be treated by using its oil. The oil has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that prevent ageing of the skin. 

Skin Infections 

Certain skin infections like skin rashes are due to bacterial or fungal attacks on the skin. The oil has antibacterial and antifungal attributes that help in treating skin diseases. 

CBD cosmic uses are attributed to the antibacterial, antifungal, non-oxidant and anti-inflammatory nature of the cannabidiol compound. The oil can be directly applied to the human skin, used together with the tropical oils or consumed to bring about the skin healing process.