Magic mushrooms, also known as psilocybin mushrooms, have been around for centuries and have been used for their psychological and spiritual properties. However, in recent years, they have become more prevalent in Canada for other reasons. This article will major in some unbelievable facts about why magic mushrooms have become popular in Canada. 

The growing popularity and consumption of mushrooms in Canada cannot be turned a blind eye. Canadians daily forgo other alternatives and result to consuming mushrooms Click Here for Canada Shrooms. 

Below are some of the factors you need to know about why magic mushrooms have become popular in Canada. 


In Canada, magic mushrooms have been decriminalized in some areas, meaning they are no longer considered illegal to possess, use, or grow. The changes in legislation on September 2020, whereby Health Canada announced four types of psychedelic mushrooms – Psilocybe cubensis, Psilocybe semilanceata, Psilocybe Mexicana, and Psilocybe amanuensis – would be reclassified from a Schedule III substance to a Schedule I substance.  

This meant it would be easier for researchers to study their potential benefits and for Canadians to access them legally through medical channels. This has increased the popularity of magic mushrooms, as people are more open to trying them without fear of prosecution. 

Medical Benefits 

Another reason for the growing popularity of magic mushrooms is their potential therapeutic benefits. A growing body of research has found that psilocybin, the primary psychoactive ingredient in magic mushrooms, may help treat conditions such as anxiety, depression, and addiction.  

Many people are turning to magic mushrooms as a natural alternative to traditional pharmaceuticals, which can often come with unwanted side effects. They have been used to treat mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. This explains why magic mushrooms have become popular in Canada, making them more appealing to people looking for alternative treatments for their mental health. 

Easy to Grow 

Magic mushrooms are easy to grow and don’t need special equipment or materials. This has made it easier for people to develop their magic mushrooms and experiment with different strains. 


Magic mushrooms provide a unique experience that is different from other drugs. They can alter your perception of reality, and the effects can last several hours. This has made them appealing to people looking for a new and different experience. The COVID-19 pandemic has also explained why they are popular in Canada and their increased interest.  

Many Canadians struggling with isolationism are looking for new ways to cope. Magic mushrooms offer a way to escape from reality for a short time and provide a much-needed break from the stresses of daily life. 

Natural and Safe 

Magic mushrooms are a natural substance and are generally safe when consumed in moderation. They don’t have the same harmful side effects as other drugs, making them more appealing to people concerned about their health. 


Magic mushrooms have become more prevalent in Canada for several reasons. If you are interested in trying magic mushrooms, it is essential to do your research and consume them responsibly.